
The founding of Geneva
The first white settlers in Geneva were farmers, attracted by the fertile land and the salesmanship of Pulteney Associates agent Charles Williamson.

Hobart’s beginnings
Geneva College was founded in 1822. Thirty years later, it would become Hobart College.

The nursery industry
With the country’s westward expansion, local nurseries began supplying plants and trees to pioneers.

The railroads arrive
Geneva thrived with the construction of canals, and, later, railroads. Metalworks were established; factories made farm equipment, boilers, razords and wire wheels.

Farming is still key
The New York State Agricultural Experiment Station began operations in 1882.

Geneva becomes a city
By 1900, Geneva’s population had topped 10,000.

Geneva General Hospital opens
The local health system would grow to be one of the area’s largest employers in the 21st century.

William Smith College founded
The first students enroll two years after nurseryman William Smith donates land for a “Coordinate School for Women.”

Rise of Geneva Forge
Geneva Cutlery was purchased in 1934 and renamed Geneva Forge. At its peak, the manufacturer employed 600 people.

Sampson draws thousands
After the U.S. entered WW2, the Navy established a training facility on the east side of Seneca Lake. Among the trainees: William Patrick Hitler, nephew of Adolf. The center was closed with the war’s end, then reopened as an Air Force base in 1950, after the outbreak of fighting in Korea.. The based closed six years later and was converted to a state park.

American Can closes
Long a major employer in Geneva, American Can ceased operations in 1989. The plant is now the Geneva Enterprise Development Center.

The commercial core
In 2016, Geneva received a $10 million downtown revitalization grant from the state. The aerial above shows improvement district.

Visitors welcome
Today, many of the region’s redevelopment efforts focus on tourism and the hospitality industry. Travelers spent an estimated $3 billion in Ontario County in 2021. In 2022, more than 235,600 people visited the Welcome Center in Geneva (above).